Saturday, August 27, 2016

Let go !!

The best way to stay happy is to let go !! Easier said then done but that's the only way how you can keep yourself at peace and live this life in a beautiful way. The reason why people feel negative is because first, we cannot let go things in life, we hold on to things even when we know that its not in our control, rather then working on it we just sit and worry about it , don't we ? Second, we expect a lot from this universe, we expect all good deeds to come back to us immediately, we want all the success immediately , we expect that we never fall into any awkward situations in life and always have a fairytale like life , but, that's not possible and that's what we need to tell ourselves. Our life is not a fiction story, it is a real life where the author is none other but our own set of karmas performed by us. Whichever century we cross, whatever gadgets we use in our life the theory of karma will always remain the same . We need to do good deeds , expect less from this universe and have to let go things that are not in our control. Remember one thing, no one is fully satisfied in his life , a beggar starves for a single meal and a rich man walks miles to digest a meal !!!